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prev: POPA/POPAD Pop all General Registers next: PUSH Push Operand onto the Stack
POPF/POPFD -- Pop Stack into FLAGS or EFLAGS RegisterOpcode Instruction Clocks Description 9D POPF 5 Pop top of stack FLAGS 9D POPFD 5 Pop top of stack into EFLAGS OperationFlags := Pop();DescriptionPOPF/POPFD pops the word or doubleword on the top of the stack and stores the value in the flags register. If the operand-size attribute of the instruction is 16 bits, then a word is popped and the value is stored in FLAGS. If the operand-size attribute is 32 bits, then a doubleword is popped and the value is stored in EFLAGS.Refer to Chapter 2 and Chapter 4 for information about the FLAGS and EFLAGS registers. Note that bits 16 and 17 of EFLAGS, called VM and RF, respectively, are not affected by POPF or POPFD. The I/O privilege level is altered only when executing at privilege level 0. The interrupt flag is altered only when executing at a level at least as privileged as the I/O privilege level. (Real-address mode is equivalent to privilege level 0.) If a POPF instruction is executed with insufficient privilege, an exception does not occur, but the privileged bits do not change. Flags AffectedAll flags except VM and RFProtected Mode Exceptions#SS(0) if the top of stack is not within the stack segmentReal Address Mode ExceptionsInterrupt 13 if any part of the operand would lie outside of the effective address space from 0 to 0FFFFHVirtual 8086 Mode Exceptions#GP(0) fault if IOPL is less than 3, to permit emulation
Chapter 17 -- 80386 Instruction Set |