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Intel 80386 Reference Programmer's Manual
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Table of Contents
15.7 Differences From 80286 Real-Address Mode
16.1 How the 80386 Implements 16-Bit and 32-Bit Features
Chapter 16 Mixing 16-Bit and 32 Bit Code
The 80386 running in protected mode is a 32-bit microprocessor, but it is
designed to support 16-bit processing at three levels:
- Executing 8086/80286 16-bit programs efficiently with complete
- Mixing 16-bit modules with 32-bit modules.
- Mixing 16-bit and 32-bit addresses and operands within one module.
The first level of support for 16-bit programs has already been discussed
in Chapter 13,
Chapter 14,
and Chapter 15. This chapter shows how 16-bit
and 32-bit modules can cooperate with one another, and how one module can
utilize both 16-bit and 32-bit operands and addressing.
The 80386 functions most efficiently when it is possible to distinguish
between pure 16-bit modules and pure 32-bit modules. A pure 16-bit module
has these characteristics:
- All segments occupy 64 Kilobytes or less.
- Data items are either 8 bits or 16 bits wide.
- Pointers to code and data have 16-bit offsets.
- Control is transferred only among 16-bit segments.
A pure 32-bit module has these characteristics:
- Segments may occupy more than 64 Kilobytes (zero bytes to 4
- Data items are either 8 bits or 32 bits wide.
- Pointers to code and data have 32-bit offsets.
- Control is transferred only among 32-bit segments.
Pure 16-bit modules do exist; they are the modules designed for 16-bit
microprocessors. Pure 32-bit modules may exist in new programs designed
explicitly for the 80386. However, as systems designers move applications
from 16-bit processors to the 32-bit 80386, it will not always be possible
to maintain these ideals of pure 16-bit or 32-bit modules. It may be
expedient to execute old 16-bit modules in a new 32-bit environment without
making source-code changes to the old modules if any of the following
conditions is true:
- Modules will be converted one-by-one from 16-bit environments to
32-bit environments.
- Older, 16-bit compilers and software-development tools will be
utilized in the new32-bit operating environment until new 32-bit
versions can be created.
- The source code of 16-bit modules is not available for modification.
- The specific data structures used by a given module inherently utilize
16-bit words.
- The native word size of the source language is 16 bits.
On the 80386, 16-bit modules can be mixed with 32-bit modules. To design a
system that mixes 16- and 32-bit code requires an understanding of the
mechanisms that the 80386 uses to invoke and control its 32-bit and 16-bit
16.1 How the 80386 Implements 16-Bit and 32-Bit Features
16.2 Mixing 32-Bit and 16-Bit Operations
16.3 Sharing Data Segments Among Mixed Code Segments
16.4 Transferring Control Among Mixed Code Segments
Table of Contents
15.7 Differences From 80286 Real-Address Mode
16.1 How the 80386 Implements 16-Bit and 32-Bit Features